UPA Employee Development
Unlimited Potential for Achievement (UPA) supports organizations by providing training, coaching and team building assistance for employee development. UPA helps organizations enhance their corporate culture by developing staff to promote corporate profitability while strengthening their collective employee voice.
We Offer
By reframing diversity, equity and inclusion, employees can learn the benefits of celebrating individual uniqueness with the equally important need of belonging. The Diversity ROE Training Series™ is steeped in adult learning techniques that present material that is relevant and applicable within today’s demanding workplace environments.
Our Mission, Vision and Value Statements
The mission of Unlimited Potential for Achievement is to unleash the unique capacities for achievement that are embedded within today’s diverse workforce to enhance the probability of personal success and increased organizational profitability.
Our vision is to redefine the American maxim, “e pluribus unum” (out of many, one), with a nuanced, more relevant meaning. This meaning harnesses the unlimited potential of many into the singular focus of cultivating a culture that thrives on diversity in all of its aspects - cognitive, experiential and demographic - to achieve corporate profitability, longevity and success.
The individuality and creative potential of every human being has irrefutable dignity and worth.
UPA Associates
Jennifer Lowery, MS, CWC, LPCC-S
Jennifer Lowery, MS, CWC, LPCC-S is a clinical counselor from the Central Ohio region.
Dr. Phil Mazzocco
Dr. Phil Mazzocco is an Associate Professor of Psychology. He has been a faculty..