UPA Employee Development

Unlimited Potential for Achievement (UPA) supports organizations by providing training, coaching and team building assistance for employee development. UPA helps organizations enhance their corporate culture by developing staff to promote corporate profitability while strengthening their collective employee voice.

We Offer

By reframing diversity, equity and inclusion, employees can learn the benefits of celebrating individual uniqueness with the equally important need of belonging. The Diversity ROE Training Series™ is steeped in adult learning techniques that present material that is relevant and applicable within today’s demanding workplace environments.

Our Mission, Vision and Value Statements

The mission of Unlimited Potential for Achievement is to unleash the unique capacities for achievement that are embedded within today’s diverse workforce to enhance the probability of personal success and increased organizational profitability.

Our vision is to redefine the American maxim, “e pluribus unum” (out of many, one), with a nuanced, more relevant meaning. This meaning harnesses the unlimited potential of many into the singular focus of cultivating a culture that thrives on diversity in all of its aspects - cognitive, experiential and demographic - to achieve corporate profitability, longevity and success. 

The individuality and creative potential of every human being has irrefutable dignity and worth.

Businessman sitting in office lounge reaching out hand with open palm, welcome gesture - panoramic banner

UPA Associates

Jennifer Lowery, MS, CWC, LPCC-S

Jennifer Lowery, MS, CWC, LPCC-S is a clinical counselor from the Central Ohio region.

Dr. Phil Mazzocco

Dr. Phil Mazzocco is an Associate Professor of Psychology. He has been a faculty..


Jay Alred

Jay Alred

It shouldn't be this way, but the subjects of racial equality, social justice, and gender equity aren't easy ones for Americans to talk about. That's the place where UPA does its best work. UPA creates environments where every person can feel respected and heard, safe and secure. The conversations and educational events the UPA team convenes can be life changing. I've seen that happen with my own eyes. UPA has been instrumental in my evolution as an employer and a citizen.

Kip Curtis

Kip Curtis

Over the course of my career I’ve found few individuals more capable of bridging differences and empowering diversity to its fullest and richest potential than the folks at Unlimited Potential for Achievement. The mentoring and guidance their staff provided enabled me to take a small idea I had developed in isolation and successfully connect with the community I wanted to impact.  They helped us forge the path and partnerships we needed to realize a truly successful collaboration!  The staff of Unlimited Potential for Achievement are a remarkable resource.

Col. Michael Howard

Col. Michael Howard

UPA programming was provided to Mansfield and moved the bar of diversity programming to an entirely new level. UPA staff was able to cultivate growth and connection by bringing together law enforcement, minority leadership, elected officials, students, and community members. Staff facilitated a discussion that was so much more than a square to be filled on a survey; UPA orchestrated a conversation that promoted a greater understanding for our community. The pragmatic UPA coaching and mentoring approach to diversity initiatives left room for everyone to feel accepted and benefited.

Duana Patton

Duana Patton


The Area Agency on Aging has a culture of inclusion and appreciates diversity in all areas. So, when it came time for our annual diversity training, I wanted to find a company that shared our culture and would speak to diversity in all areas. I did not have to look far! Renee Thompson of UPA was a perfect fit. Renee did not take a traditional approach to training. She spent time getting to know our organization and the demographics of our team. This insight allowed Renee to speak directly to our teams and to highlight areas in which diversity was limited; giving us best practices for overcoming those areas. In addition, Renee spoke with passion and experience to our teams on the prominent areas of diversity within our organization; giving our staff awareness of how diversity can be managed and embraced!

Gabrielle S. Woodberry

Gabrielle S. Woodberry

Self-discovery isn’t always an individual journey. Often there are family, friends and individuals who help along the way. The staff of UPA was that group of people for me. UPA staff always encouraged me to think, and to continue to think. They recognized me as a thinker, and helped me to embrace my own unique way of thinking; they encouraged me to believe that, with a mind like mine, I could expand my horizons beyond my wildest dreams.

I am now a senior in college, and plan to go to law school. Had it not been for the UPA staff and their coaching services, I do not know whether I would have even had enough confidence in myself to pursue a law degree. Their genuine caring and authentic approach to diversity, people and potential is absolutely refreshing in a time where people can often feel marginalized and forgotten. Thank you, UPA, for helping me to realize my own unique capacities for achievement!